My title could be a mystery, yet there is nothing mysterious about our relationship with our LORD but faith alone! Seven, of course, is the full and complete number of Scripture – even perfect! There is a plethora of references to the number seven as to its completeness. But St. Peter makes a progressive type of reference to this number seven? One cannot be sure but let us take a look at this great Apostle with whom Jesus, Our LORD and Messiah, had a very great relationship.
My memory of Peter and his “brashness to boldness” (See “From Brash to Bold” 5/18/22 blog) reminds me of his denial and yet, his acknowledgment of Jesus as the Promised One of God from times past. History would tell us that he was crucified upside down, not having any similarity to his LORD’s crucifixion for your sins and mine. But prior to his death, this “brash” man became a mouthpiece and BOLD for the LORD and His message of salvation not only to the Jews but to the entire world.
Peter was a successful fisherman along with his brother and their partners, the sons of Zebedee. Their lives as fishermen were abruptly changed from a fishing net to unknown professions. Yes, it was not a direct net but a “Word” that propelled from its speaker to its receiver that would draw in and land its catch (so to speak).
The Apostle Peter wrote two epistles during his ministry, each forthtelling. But in his second epistle, Peter issues warnings to his readers against false teachers.
False teaching has been around for millennia and will continue to the end of the age. But Peter has some instructions for you and me today that should be taken into consideration for our digestion! Listen to the Apostle as he writes:
For this very reason: (2 Peter 1:5ff)
- make every effort to add to your faith (goodness)
- and to goodness—knowledge.
- and to knowledge—self-control.
- and to self-control—perseverance.
- and to perseverance—godliness.
- and to godliness—brotherly kindness.
- and to kindness—love.
Why is St. Peter reminding you and me today of these “seven” key phrases? Because the world would remind each of us that “we” are in control! But it is the LORD Jesus Christ and Him alone who was the Wisdom of God and the Son of God who came and delivered you and me from death’s grave.
If you look at St. Peter’s first comment of faith leading to goodness, the end result is love, the seventh result of faith! As most of us know that love cannot exist without the knowledge of the One and only LORD Jesus Christ. And in that love (agape), Jesus has imparted to each of us by His Holy Spirit in the waters of baptism to serve Him and Him alone. We must recognize that St. Peter was aware of the false teachers that would tend to reverse our course – thus leading us away from the Truth as we continue to walk in His kingdom today. Let us always remember that we are here to serve Him in all goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, kindness, and love – the seventh result of faith! To God be the Glory!
Connected in Him, I stand