Mark: The Compassionate Christ: Lesson 12

Help My Unbelief!

Chapter 9 provides a unique comparison of the Glory of God manifested in the transfiguration with Elijah and Moses but also in the healing of the young man with the evil spirit that affected his speech.

Glory? What is it?  Well, glory is certainly pictured here with the representative of the Law and the Prophets in these two individuals along with the Messiah.  Mark describes Jesus; “clothes were dazzling white.”  Well, we know that Isaiah foretold that God’s glory would be manifest in the Messiah.  And here we see a glimpse of this glory of God.  John also tells of the Glory of God being made flesh (Word) – See John 1:14.

The Hebrew word for glory (kahbod) and the Greek word (doxa) from which we get doxology or praise.  The Latin word is Gloria which can be defined in multiple ways.

Read Mark 9:2-13

  1. Why do you think this was necessary at this time for the disciples to see?
  2. God’s glory was stamped with the seal of His voice. How has God shown you his Glory?
  3. Was the cross of Christ glory or shame? Or both?

Go back to Exodus 34:5-10.

  1. How did the LORD describe his character?
  2. Verse 10 is a beautiful divine covenant that the LORD made to Moses. Does this covenant apply to you and me today?

God’s glory overshadows unbelief, doubt and all other uncertainties.  The healing of the boy with an evil spirit brings home the whole concept of belief in God and His power over all creation even the evil that exists!

Read Mark 9: 14-27.

  1. The boy’s father exclaimed, “I believe; help me overcome my unbelief.” Does that statement make sense to you?  Explain your answer.
  2. In the verses following our reading, the disciples asked; “Why couldn’t we drive out the demon?” What was Jesus’ reply to his disciples?

Questions for the Day

  1. God’s glory is eternal yet there continues to be fading glory i.e. that which we chase daily. Is seeking personal glory wrong?
  2. Martin Luther, the great reformer, gives us in his explanation of the 3rd Article of the Apostles Creed a beautiful testimony about belief. “I believe that I cannot by my own reason strength believe in Jesus Christ my Lord or come to Him.”  “ . . . But the Holy Spirit has called me by the gospel, enlightened me with his gifts . . . and sanctified me.”  How does Luther’s statement give comfort to our daily struggle with unbelief?
  3. The word glory has so many terms that describe it such as splendor, brightness, majesty, etc. Even with the transfiguration, the disciples were dumbfounded!  Pentecost opened their eyes.  What opened your eyes?