Chapter Two: Creator of Heaven and Earth
Greetings and blessings from Me, the One who was, who is, and who is to come again. I (God) want to start at the beginning of what was created in perfection but ended in futility as man shed me for his own control. I have left my legacy – from creation to the Amen in Revelation twenty-two – to say to mankind that I AM the God (Elohim) of all. The words in my book, while written by humans, were from my breath (ruach, Spirit).
The book of Genesis begins with a “creation hymn,” in its first two chapters. My book opens with seven key words (in Hebrew), that state “in the beginning.” Yes, I come from a dateless past (Halley’s Bible Handbook), i.e., no beginning and no ending. My name is Elohim. While the word is plural, it only takes a singular verb. Why? Because I am one God but have multiple functions. Just so you do not forget, my name is repeated twenty-five times just in chapter one alone!
My story begins describing the absolute emptiness of the earth. Yes, I describe it as “formless and empty.” (NIV) My first words were, “let there be.” This phrase is very important for you to understand that my creation was from nothing but my Word! I chose to take six days for my creative work, yet in My creation, I designed for life to be fruitful and multiply.
My word was the only thing I needed to create. The three key phrases to remember are: first, “And God said,” to “it was so,” and finally, “it was good.” You may have discovered that there is a pattern to the six-day creation of mine. First, the earth was formless, thus I created light and separated it from darkness. Second, I created the sea and sky (expanse). Then on day three I separated the waters from dry ground and ordered it to produce vegetation. These three days I call the “days of forming.” Then, on day four I begin to fill my creation with lights to govern the day (sun) and the moon and stars (night). On day five, I fill the sky and sea with creatures of every kind. Finally, day six culminates My work with all living animals and finally man himself – in my own image! These final three days are the “days of filling.” My work was now complete and thus I rested and made the day holy.
From I, God…to Me
I really enjoyed how God (Elohim) called the creation story a “Creation Hymn.” It truly gives credence as to why there is only one true God; the one and only we should worship. Many naysayers continue to discount the story of creation and how something came from words alone. But it is the power of God and His supreme control over everything.
The entire book of Genesis is a story of beginnings. Not only does it tell you and me of His creating work in Genesis 1-2, but also the birth of the nation of Israel through Abram.
Chapter two in the continuing story of creation deals with man. Yes, man was the culmination of God’s work – and special too! You see man was formed from the dust of the ground and then God himself breathed in him the breath of life! Note, that God identifies himself in chapter two using His personal name – YHWH Elohim, the LORD God. That makes man special in this entire story. Man is indeed created in the image of God himself and was designed to be His servant, taking care of God’s creation. Then God gave Adam a helpmate named Eve. The closing sentence in chapter two is often skipped over but is very important. Yes, both Adam and Eve were naked…but without shame. Clothing, as we know it, was not necessary because they were clothed in God’s righteousness and holiness.
In closing, listen to the words of David in Psalm eight and Moses in Psalm ninety:
“O LORD, our LORD, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory above the heavens.
From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise…
When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,”
(Psalm 8:1-2a;3)
“Before the mountains were born or You brought forth the earth
and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.”
(Psalm 90:2)
Connected in Him, I stand