II, God

June 22, 2024   //   leave comment


No one can claim to be God, except He alone! But as ones called to be members of the “household of faith,” we too have become heirs of salvation that is offered by God Himself.  Like many other times, I was just sitting in my easy chair when this title passed into my mind’s eye view. “What does this mean,” I thought? Perhaps this is a gentle nudge that I investigate the concept in more detail. The letter “I” is not only the first-person singular pronoun but could also refer to a number of other definitions, such as, the symbol for the element iodine, but also the ninth letter of the English alphabet…and more!

The pronoun I with reference to God is singular in nature, that is, God’s purpose for His creation. For Scripture tells us that “He was before the beginning.” The term god has been and is currently used by many in reference to a supreme being(s) whose origin is nebulous. But our God is not nebulous, rather, He is from the beginning. Just listen to the first words of Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God…” From an English perspective the phrase could be shuffled to read, “God was from the beginning.” To amplify this restructured phrase, St. John says, “In the beginning was God…” (John 1:1)

If we consider modifying the I, God phrase by adding am He who…then perhaps one could consider the brief outline below.

  1. Introduction
  2. Creator of heaven and earth
  3. Promise keeper even with sin’s entrance
  4. Is the Pathway for life
  5. Waxed in His Promise with a waning Israel
  6. Prophetic Nature
  7. Is the solution
  8. Is the Promised One
  9. Is the Word (logos)
  10. Is the I AM – past, present, and future

My hope and prayer are to deliver these chapters following the outline above. May you continue to walk with Him and in all confidence, proclaim the name of Jesus as LORD and Savior from our sinful condition.



Connected in Him, I stand


About Gerald H. Roesener

G. H. (Jerry) Roesener is a retired clinical pharmacist with a great love for God’s Word and His promise of Salvation in His Son, Jesus, the Christ. I started studying God’s Word in a more earnest way in 1990 and began writing weekly reflections on my life and faith, called Saturday’s Notes. This website blog is an effort to share my writings with fellow believers. I also authored my first book entitled Reflection: Journey through the Psalms.

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