Broadcast Word: Lesson 26

Who Do You Imitate?

Everyone at some time or other attempts to imitate another person.  Who do you (have you) imitate?  And what qualities attracted you to this person?

 St. Paul tells us that we are to imitate Christ and particularly His humility.  Why do you think he picks out Christ’s humility to imitate over some other qualities? 

Read Philippians 2: 1-11

  • The first four verses attempt to set the tone for this section to the church at Philippi. What does Paul say that will make his joy complete?
  • This section has been referred to as “stewardship of service.” List the phrases that support that title.
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  • What other word can you substitute for steward? ______________________
  • Verse five says our mind (attitude) should be the same as Jesus Christ. Verses 6-8 describe how Jesus set the example for you and me.
    • __________________________________
  • Christ humbled himself and succumbed to the painful, shameful death on Calvary’s cross. Is there a more perfect example of humility than a perfect man dying a criminal’s death? Go to Hebrews 12:2-3.
    • The author of Hebrews uses Christ’s suffering, death, and resurrection to the throne of God as an example to NOT __________ and NOT________________.
  • God elevating our Lord Jesus Christ to His right hand symbolizes the ultimate victory. Each of us should remember verses 10-11. Why?

Read Philippians 2:12-18

  • Paul uses the term “work out your salvation.” This term may seem a little awkward. What do you think this phrase means?
  • Couple verse thirteen along with the previous verse to see if it helps: “God works in us–>our salvation is worked out for us.”
  • If we are to be lights in darkness, then we must imitate our Lord and set an example to those in darkness.
    • Don’t complain or argue. Good advice!
    • How do we hold out the word of life?

Holding out the word of life offers light to a world in darkness.  I want to share with you an example of how one man’s grief could have caused him to lose everything.  Instead, he wrote this beautiful hymn.

When peace like a river attended my way,

When sorrows like sea billows roll—

Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,

It is well, it is well with my soul.


Tho’ Satan should buffer, tho’ trials should come

Let this blessed, assurance control,

That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate

And shed His own blood for my soul.


And, Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,

The clouds be rolled back as a scroll,

The trumpet shall resound and the Lord shall descend,

Even so—it is well with my soul.


It is well with my soul, it is well,

It is well with my soul.

Author: Horatio Spafford

Whatever our stations in life, whatever trials should come, remember Paul’s word of encouragement:  Imitate Christ’s humility; God works in us; our salvation is certain in Christ; and hold out the word of life.