Broadcast Word: Lesson 14

Letter of Assurance

Paul has completed his second missionary trip.  And a very fruitful trip at that.  Churches were strengthened and new churches founded.   Even though Paul had several team members who assisted in serving the various churches, they could never be everywhere at all times.  And maybe that’s a good thing.  Why?  Because God used St. Paul and others to write most of the New Testament, in letters that were assuring to those of their time and for you and me today.

Each of these letters was sent for some purpose, and some were even sent around to multiple churches in the area. (Encyclical)  Galatians was probably Paul’s first letter with 1st and 2nd Thessalonians following closely behind.

Let’s go back to Acts 17 to review what transpired in Thessalonica.

  • Their early fruits are evident in verse four, but not without trouble. Some zealot Jews attempted to get Paul and Silas, but without success. The Thessalonian brothers were successful in getting Paul and Silas out to safety and on their way to Berea.
  • Read Acts 17:11. What does this verse tell you and me about the people of Thessalonica?

We know that the church of Thessalonica was persecuted from its early beginnings. Put yourself in their shoes (or sandals). Describe your state of mind. Where should you get comfort?

Paul’s letters to them were meant to do exactly that. The city had population of about 200,000 and was the capital of one of the Macedonian provinces. While Acts does not mention it, 1 Thessalonians tells us that Paul sent Timothy back to the city to check on the people (3:2)

Read 1 Thessalonians 1

  • What’s the tone of this chapter?
  • Paul does not waste any time in heaping praise on them. Examine verse three more closely.
    • Faith produces _________________________
    • Labor is prompted by ______________________
    • Endurance is inspired by _______________________
  • Remember how Luke told us that the Bereans were of more noble character than these people. How does verse seven show how the Word of God separates us from the worldly?

After several chapters of encouragement and assurance, Paul reminds the Christians that we need to be “watchful.”

Read 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12

  • Holy living is important. Why?
  • Sexual immorality is no different today than in the first century. What does Paul tell the members about the result of such unforgiving lifestyle?
  • Brotherly love among their congregation was evident from Paul’s comments, and to other Christians around Macedonia. Using these verses, what lessons can we learn from the example of the Thessalonian church?
    • At <insert your church name> ____________________________
    • In the city and state ___________________________________
    • In the country and world _______________________________
  • Paul concludes with some helpful reminders to the church. List them from verses 11-12:
    • _____________________________
    • _____________________________
    • _____________________________

Paul concludes his first letter to this church with a reminder about the Lord’s second coming.

Read 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17

This assurance is important for us to remember each and every day. And to be prepared for His second coming. How does 5:2 remind of the Lord’s coming?

Final Instructions:

  1. Warn the _____________________
  2. Encourage the _________________
  3. Help the _____________________
  4. Be patient with _________________
  5. Be kind to ____________________
  6. Be joyful _____________________
  7. Pray ________________________
  8. Give thanks to _________________
  9. Test ________________________
  10. Hold on to ____________________
  11. Avoid _______________________

Reviewing the list above, which of these is most difficult for you? And which may be easier?

Heavenly Father, thank you for this letter of assurance and encouragement.  We all need reminding that Christians are to live holy lives according to your purpose.  Help each of us to live each day as our last, knowing that You have promised to be with us and deliver us from the Evil One.  And that on the last day, all believers will be united with Your Son in eternity.  In Jesus name, Amen.

The Checklist for Encouragers (Source Life Application Bible)

Reference Example Application
5:11 Build each other up Point out to someone a quality you appreciate in him or her.
5:12 Respect leaders Look for ways to cooperate.
5:13 Hold leaders in highest regard. Hold back your next critical comment about those in positions of responsibility.  Say “thank you” to your leaders for their efforts.
5:13 Live in peace. Search for ways to get along with others.
5:14 Warn the idle. Challenge someone to join you in a project.
5:14 Encourage the timid. Encourage those who are timid by reminding them of God’s promises.
5:14 Help the weak. Support those who are weak by loving them and praying for them.
5:14 Be patient. Think of a situation that tries your patience and plan ahead of time how to stay calm.
5:15 Resist revenge Instead of planning to get even with those who mistreat you, do good to them.
5:16 Be joyful Remember that even in the midst of turmoil, God is in control.
5:17 Pray continually. God is always with youàtalk to Him.
5:18 Give thanks. Make a list of all the gifts God has given you, giving thanks to God for each one.
5:19 Don’t put out the Spirit’s fire. Cooperate with the Spirit the next time He prompts you to participate in a Christian meeting.
5:20 Don’t treat prophecies with contempt Receive God’s Word from those who speak for Him.
5:22 Avoid every kind of evil. Avoid situations where you will be drawn into temptation.
5:23 Count on God’s constant help. Realize that the Christian life is to be lived not in our own strength but through God’s power.