Broadcast Word: Lesson 10

The First Church Meeting!

With growth comes controversy!  How very true!  The Lord’s Word is gaining momentum by mouth and by action.  Numbers are added to the fold from all walks of life.  Now, some of the old-time members from the mother church are getting a little anxious about their former rules and those new believers.

Here’s the issue: “Gentiles, you either get circumcised or you’re out.”  (Acts1 15:1).  Let’s see what happened when several men came to Antioch to listen to Paul and Barnabas and to convey their concerns.

Read Acts 15:1-2

  • The issue was it just circumcision or was it more than that? Explain your position.
  • How did Paul and Barnabas react to the Jerusalem representatives.
  • The decision was to send representatives from this missionary church at Antioch to discuss and solve the issue before it strangled the efforts.

Read Acts 15:3-21

  • The entourage made its way to Jerusalem. What route did they take? How does this travel route compare with the way other Jews traveled from Galilee to Judea? Is this similar or dissimilar to how the Lord traveled?
  • Verse three tells us that there was a “meeting before the meeting.” How did this small group meeting help prior to the conference? 
  • The welcome mat was out for the Antioch brethren. In spite of their differences, we are still one in the faith. Don’t forget that principle! Verse five list the reasons the conference was called. Let’s see if we can separate the factions:
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The table below is an attempt to list the position of each party and then reasons for their position.

Group Position Reasons


1.  Gentiles must become Jewish first to be eligible for salvation a.


1.  Faith in Christ as Savior is the only requirement. a
Apostles and Elders 1.  Faith is the only requirement, but there must be lifestyle changes a.

Source: Outline: Life Application Bible, page 1985

  • What was the resolution that was adopted by the Jerusalem Conference? (verse twenty)

The conference is over, but the proceedings were not available on the internet, so representatives from Jerusalem accompanied Paul, Barnabas, and the Antioch conference attendees back to Antioch to share their results.

  • Who did Jerusalem send along?
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JUDAS Greek transliteration of Hebrew personal name Judah meaning, “Praise Yahweh.” The proper name Judas was very common in the time of Christ because it was not only the Greek form of one of the twelve patriarchs, but it was also made popular by the Jewish hero Judas Maccabaeus who led the nation in their fight for independence from Syria in 166 B.C. The New Testament mentions seven men named Judas. Most of them are only mentioned in passing. 1. One of Jesus’ ancestors (Luke 3:30). 2. A brother of the Lord (Matt. 13:55; Mark 6:3).

SILAS, SILVANUS Apparently, the Greek and Latin form of same name, possibly derived from Aramaic or Hebrew name Saul. Leader in the early Jerusalem church. He accompanied both Peter and Paul on separate missionary journeys. One of his first missions was to carry news of the Jerusalem conference to the believers at Antioch (Acts 15:22). He and Paul left Antioch together on a mission to Asia Minor (15:40-41) and later to Macedonia. In Philippi the two were imprisoned (16:19-24), but they later won the jailer and his family to the Lord after God delivered them from prison. Later in his ministry Silas teamed with Peter on missions in Pontus and Cappadocia. He also served as Peter’s scribe, writing 1 Peter and perhaps other letters. Many believe that he composed and arranged most of the letter since Peter probably had little education. See Paul; 1 Peter.

  • Verse twenty-four is a particularly good opening statement in the letter from the mother church. Why?
  • Let’s take a look at the contents of the letter.
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  • Some texts indicate that Silas remained in Antioch. We never hear about Judas Barsabas again. Acts 15 tells us that the Jerusalem representatives spent some time in Antioch before returning. With what message were they sent off according to verse thirty-four?
  • What does a blessing of peace mean to you?
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