“If one way doesn’t work, try another,” said the Jews in an attempt to thwart Jesus’ popularity. Jesus had just healed a man on the Sabbath at the Pool of Bethesda near the Sheep Gate in Jerusalem. Now, (John 5:16) the Jews decided to persecute Him for having broken Sabbath rules. But Jesus is very quick to reply by saying, “My Father is always at work to this very day.” (John 5:17) And Jesus said, “I too am working.” The Jews were incensed and tried all the harder to kill Jesus because He also claimed to be God.
We’re going to take some time today to read and study Jesus’ Discourse on Divinity->John 5:19-47.
- Read John 5:17-23. Jesus defends Himself and the miracle He just performed for the man at the pool.
- What attitude does Jesus display here in his rebuttal to the Jewish leaders?
- What role does Jesus play? And who gave Him the power to do it?
- Verse twenty indicates that this miracle is nothing compared to more amazing events. To what might Jesus be referring?
- Verse twenty-one talks about Jesus, the life giver. What type of life does Jesus provide as described in this verse?
- Verses 22-23 give warning to those around Him. What role of Jesus is described here?
- Read John 5:24-30.
- Jesus continues His role as judge but only after telling them how to avoid His wrath. How do we avoid condemnation?
- What title does Jesus refer to Himself in verse twenty-five?
- Jesus talks about resurrection in the final verses of this section. Verse twenty-nine tells us about the sorting mechanism. I thought we were saved by grace and not by works! How can you explain Jesus’ words here about doing good and evil?
SON OF MAN New Testament designation for Jesus as God incarnate in flesh and agent of divine judgment. It occurs some 84 times in the Gospels, all but one being Jesus’ self-description.
- Read John 5:31-47.
- Verse thirty-one is clear about the source of Jesus’ authority. What does He say about His testimony without the Father?
- Jesus reminded them that for a time they believed in John’s testimony. What was John the Baptist’s message to the people of Israel? (Go to Matthew 3:1) What was the result of his message in Matthew 3:6?
- Jesus goes on to say that His ministry is much “weightier” than John’s. What weight was put on Jesus and why was He the only one to do the job?
- Jesus admonishes us about His Word. What does Jesus mean in verse thirty-nine about “possessing eternal life?” What do you prefer?
- Using the “Search the Scripture” detail below from Matthew Henry’s Commentary, can we fall into the same trap?
- Jesus concludes this section by “twisting the knife,” after it has been inserted. He says, “your accuser is Moses.” Go to Deuteronomy 18:15 and see what Moses prophesied.
Searching the Scriptures.
Here’s what Matthew Henry’s Commentary says about this topic. “The Jews considered that eternal life was revealed to them in the Scriptures, and that they had it, because they had the word of God in their hands. . . “Search the Scriptures” and so it was spoken to them in the nature of an appeal. Ye profess to receive and believe the Scripture, let that be the judge. It is spoken to us advising or commanding all Christians to search the Scriptures. Not only read them, and hear the, but search them; which denotes diligence in examining and studying them. We must search the Scriptures for heaven as our great end; . . .We must search the Scriptures for Christ, as the new and living Way, that leads to this end. . . They slighted and undervalued Christ, because they admired and overvalued themselves. How can those believe, who make the praise and applause of men their idol!
Jesus used this healing (Pool of Bethesda) as an opportunity of revealing His divine nature in God’s Holy plan laid out long ago by His Father.
Jesus Returns to Capernaum
Jesus returns to Capernaum and then to the Sea of Galilee. Jesus’ period of popularity continues. Go to Mark 3:7-13.
- How far did people travel to see, to listen, and to be healed?
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- Verse eleven tells us that even the evil spirits recognized Jesus for who He was. Why do you suppose Jesus instructed them not to tell who He was?
Jesus appoints the twelve on the mount. Go to Mark 3:13-19.
- What title did He give them?
- What authority did they receive?