A Walk with Jesus: Lesson 5

Our walk with Jesus continues as He leaves Jerusalem to return to Galilee.  His steps homeward take Him into the Judean countryside and through Samaria.  Let’s walk with Jesus and see what events transpire.

Go to John 3:22 and read to the end of the chapter.

Jesus and His disciples in the Judean countryside:

  • Verse 22 tells us where they went and what they were doing.
  • Verses 23-31 are important as the gospel writer tells of Jesus’ ministry increasing while the forerunner, John the Baptist, decreases.
    • Ministry appears to have jealousy from the descriptions here. Who was jealous of whom? Why?
    • How well did John the Baptist handle the question?
    • Let’s list some of the key points that John uses in his dialog with his disciples.

John the Baptist’s sermon


A man can receive only what is given him from heaven
It <joy> is now complete.
The man who comes from heaven is above all.
The man who has accepted it (testimony) has certified God is truthful.
For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God.
God gives the Spirit without limit.
The Father loves the Son and has placed everything in His hands.
Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life.

AENON (aye’ nahn) Place name meaning, “double spring.” The location where John the Baptist was baptizing during the time that Jesus was baptizing in Judea (John 3:23). The biblical text indicates that Aenon was a place richly endowed with water near Salim, which precise location is unknown. The most likely location of Aenon was in a broad open valley called Wadi-Farah, west of the Jordan and northeast of Nablus. (Source: Holman Bible Dictionary)

Go to John 4.  Jesus and His disciples leave the Judean countryside and return to Galilee through Samaria. What prompted their leaving?

  • Verses 4-7 describe the opening scene. List the details:
    • Location:
    • People present:
    • Time:
    • State of being:
  • Verses 7-42. What transpires between Jesus and the Samaritan woman?
    • In the previous lesson we discussed that the Jews did not associate with Samaritans due to their inner marriage with foreigners, especially after the northern tribes fell to the Assyrians in 722 BC.  Now, how do you read Jesus’ question about giving Him water?
    • Jesus leads the conversation into “living water.” Go to Jeremiah 17:13.  Who is given the name “living water?”  What is living water according to verse 13?
    • The Samaritan woman was obviously looking to get rid of the day in-and-out job of hauling water to her family. Describe the parallel here of carrying our heavy burdens and the “living water.”
    • Worship rules were very stringent in those days. You either worshipped in the Jerusalem Temple or you didn’t worship. Verse 23 tells us something different about worship. What is it?
    • Jesus’ disciples now return to this two-way conversation. Jesus has just identified Himself as the Messiah to this woman. While she returns to get the towns people, Jesus is talking to His disciples about associating with a foreigner and about food. Explain Jesus’ statement, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent me” in terms of your walk.
    • Many believed in this Samaritan town. Now Jesus moves on back to Galilee, but just think, the “seed” is planted in this hated country.
  • Read the remaining verses John 4:43 to the end of the chapter.
    • What does it mean by honor in His own country? Focus on what transpired while He was in Jerusalem and then in Samaria.
    • Jesus returned to Cana in Galilee for the second time. Note how the Galileans welcomed Jesus. What was the reason that many remembered Jesus from the Feast of Jerusalem?
    • Healing continues. A “royal official” from Capernaum (17 miles from Cana) hears of Jesus’ arrival. What was the man’s request? And what was Jesus’ response?  [Personal question: Do you need to see signs and wonders to believe?  And do we see miraculous signs and where?]
    • Jesus’ “word” has accomplished much, including just saying, “you may go, your son will live.” Can you name other examples where Jesus’ word got the job done?
    • Verse 50 says, “the man took Jesus at his word and departed.” How did his example benefit the Galileans who witnessed this conversation and more particularly, you?
  • Let’s examine this recent walk of Jesus and what happened.
    • Where___________________________
    • What were some of the happenings (from Jesus’ baptism to the healing of the royal official’s son)
      • _____________________________________
      • _____________________________________
      • _____________________________________
    • Has your faith been affected by the demonstrations of Jesus’ love to mankind during this time in His life? Explain
      • ____________________________________


Capernaum  In the New Testament Capernaum was chosen as the base of operations by Jesus when He began His ministry. Teaching in the synagogue (Mark 1:21) and private homes (Mark 2:1) was basic to His work there, but the miracles performed there appear to have precipitated the controversy and opposition. The religious leadership challenged the direction of Jesus’ ministry (Mark 2:24, 7:5) and the popular following attempted to take over and force Him into a political position (John 6:15). Mark (2:1) referred to Capernaum as Jesus’ home and Matthew (9:1) described it as “his own city.” It appears that several of the disciples also lived in that town including Peter, Andrew, Matthew, and perhaps John and James. The populace apparently did not accept His messianic role because they fell under the same condemnation as Chorazin and Bethsaida for failing to repent (Matt. 11:20-24).  (Source: Holman’s Bible Dictionary)

Matthew 4:12 tells us that Jesus heard about John’s imprisonment. According to the historian Josephus, John was imprisoned in Machaerus.

MACHAERUS (Muh khee’ ruhs) Palace-fortress located about fifteen miles southeast of the mouth of the Jordan on a site rising 3,600 feet above the sea. Herod the Great rebuilt the fortress. Josephus gives the Machaerus as the site of the imprisonment and execution of John the Baptist. Mark’s reference to Galilean nobles among Herod’s guests has prompted some interpreters to suggest a site further north. The Gospels, however, associate John’s ministry with the Judean wilderness (Mark 1:5; Matt. 3:1; John 3:22-23). That John’s disciples claimed his body (Mark 6:29) suggests a site, such as the Macherus, near the center of John’s ministry. (Source: Holman’s Bible Dictionary)

  • Jesus’ year of inauguration ends with his return to His hometown Nazareth. Go to Luke 4:16-20.  Just as He was rejected in Jerusalem (John 4:43), he is now rejected in His own hometown.
    • Jesus stands up in the synagogue and reads from Isaiah 61:1-2. Isaiah prophesied the Christ over 700 years before HIs coming. What was their initial reaction to His reading? (verse 22)
    • Jesus anticipates their inner “real” questions rather than “Isn’t this Joseph’s son?”
      • Jesus quotes a proverb. ___________________________________
    • After He states that a prophet is not accepted in his own hometown, He recites stories about Elijah and Elisha’s ministry.
      • What were their miracles? ___________________________________
      • What was their reaction? ____________________________________
      • How did they intend to dispose Him? ____________________________
    • Are there any similarities as to how Elijah/Elisha were treated to Jesus?

This rejection in the Nazareth synagogue is the link between Jesus’ Year of Inauguration and His Year of Popularity. Popular, not among the Jewish leaders, rather among the Galileans. The next lessons will address this Year of Popularity.


O Holy Spirit hear us. Give us a full measure of faith to understand that we are to walk by faith and not by sight. Help us to accept Jesus’ words of promise and fulfillment. He truly comes to all who will listen and believe. Thank you for giving us the Good News of salvation through the Christ. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Tracing our Steps.  Let’s use this time to trace our walk with Jesus.  Think about this time in His life and remembering what He did for you and me.  Use this space to jot down your feelings about your walk today