A Walk with Jesus: Lesson 23

Thursday’s events are not only activity-packed, but also contain teaching of Jesus to His disciples right up to the end.  John records some very important teachings and additional discourses of Jesus. (John 13-16).  These events took place prior to Jesus and his disciples leaving for Gethsemane.  These chapters include the ever-familiar “foot washing” example of Jesus, two I AMs and the promise of the Holy Spirit.  Let’s open our study using Ps. 136.  This psalm was used during part of the Passover.

John 16:16 records, “In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me.”  The disciples were clearly confused!!  “What does He mean,” they asked?  Unlike the disciples who physically saw, ate, talked, and learned from none other than the Messiah, we must walk by faith, not by sight.  Can we see Jesus today?  If so, how?

 John tells us the disciples finally believe. (John 16:31).  As we have witnessed in this study, the disciples’ faith has wavered.  Have you ever wondered why to some faith seems to come so easily and yet to others difficult?  What are the barriers to full acceptance?

Jesus knows our every weakness.  Yes, He even took time on this terrible evening to pray for you and me.  This prayer is often called “Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer.”  John 17 records the prayer.  Let’s read it together.

The High Priestly Prayer: John 17

  • What are the three main sections of Jesus’ prayer?
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  • Let’s examine each of the prayer segments
    • Jesus prays for Himself
      • What does Jesus mean when He says, “Glorify your Son?”
      • How does Jesus define eternal life in verse three?
      • What does Jesus pray for in verse five? And how does this request compare to His first request for glorification? Are they the same or different?
    • Jesus prays for His disciples
      • Jesus acknowledges to the Heavenly Father that He has “revealed” the Father to them and they fully accept everything. Verse nine tells us “I pray for them” Jesus’ prayer is twofold:
        • Protect___________________
        • Sanctify__________________
      • Jesus reminds us that He took the disciples “out of this world” then later says, “they are not of this world.” We too are not of the world , but in the world.  Explain how Jesus’ prayer for protection and sanctification makes all the more sense.
    • Jesus prays for all believers
      • Just think, on Maundy Thursday, your Lord prayed for you! Notice the future tense of the verb in verse twenty. Let’s connect the dots.
        • God sends Jesus to reunite the world to Himself – through His victory over sin, death, and the devil.
        • Jesus provides a group of 12 with the knowledge and training of this all-important message.
        • Jesus sends His Holy Spirit to the disciples when He returns to the Father
        • The disciples’ message bears fruit by the work of the Holy Spirit (See Acts 2)
        • Believers share the good news to others so that they will come to the knowledge of the truth.
      • Verse twenty-three sums up this whole “connect the dots.” What is the key word in this verse? Go to Ephesians 2:22. What term does St. Paul use for unity?

St. Peter reminds you and me that we are “chosen people, royal priesthood, a holy nation, and a people belonging to God.” (1 Peter 2:9ff) And as God’s priests, we are to declare His praises. God is God and is Almighty, All-powerful, and All-knowing. Why are we to sing His praises according to verse 9b?  As thankful Christians for His mercy (verse ten), what does St. Peter indicate is the purpose of forgiven Christians? (verses 11-12)

As God’s priests, we too can go to the heavenly throne in prayer just as our Lord Jesus Christ did on Maundy Thursday. What is your prayer today?

Using our Lord’s High Priestly Prayer as an example, create your own priestly prayer. Consider the words such as sanctify, protection, faith, eternal life, extending of the Kingdom.  God bless your efforts.





Tracing our Steps.  Let’s use this time to trace our walk with Jesus.  Think about this time in His life and remembering what He did for you and me.  Use this space to jot down your feelings about your walk today