A Walk with Jesus: Lesson 17

Opposition continues to build up in our Lord’s final months here on earth.  The season is winter.  The time is the Feast of Dedication a/k/a Hanukkah.  Jesus is in Jerusalem where he has just healed the blind man (John 9).

John 10 is the last of our Lord’s seven discourses in John.  It is a particularly important chapter where we are reminded that we are God’s sheep who enter through the Gate (Jesus).  Tension is building by the minute now.  The Jews are still wondering about Jesus’ healing of the blind man.  Some theologians say that no healing of the blind had taken place prior to Jesus’ time.

The Good Shepherd chapter: John 10

  • Read verses 1-21
    • Looking back over these verses, pick out words and phrases that describe the function of a shepherd
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    • There are two I AM references in this section. List them
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    • Jesus reminds the Jews that He and the Father are one. Beginning at verse fourteen, what portion of this section do you suppose made the Jews believe that Jesus was “raving mad?”
    • As with the previous story of the blind man, John tells us that the Jews were divided. What does John tell us about the opposing view of those not in agreement?

The relationship between the shepherd and his sheep is special. Jesus told us in this section that His sheep know His voice and follow Him. Let’s go back to 1 Kings 19:9b-13. Elijah was depressed over Israel’s rejection of God’s covenant – tearing down the altar and killing God’s prophets. And then God speaks. Describe how God got Elijah’s attention and then how he heard God?

Have there been instances where you were not listening when God was talking to you? And how did God get your attention?

The Unbelief of the Jews (John 10:22-39)

  • The Jews demand that Jesus tell them “plainly” that He is the Messiah. How did Jesus respond to their question?
  • John tells us that on at least three occasions the Jews attempted to seize or stone Him. In verse thirty, what cause their anger to heighten?
  • Again, Jesus reminds them that He did the miracles in the Father’s name. The Jews reply that “a mere man cannot be God.” If that is true, what did they expect the Messiah to be based on the Old Testament prophesies?
  • In verses 34-39 Jesus uses “if and then” style of argument. He quotes the psalmist (82:6).  Identify both aspects
    • IF____________________________________
    • THEN ________________________________

Jesus departs to Bethany beyond the Jordan

After the Jews attempted to seize Jesus one more time, we are told He departed to Bethany beyond the Jordan. The journey was about twenty miles.  Read John 10:40-42.

  • What confirmation does John tell us the crowd said about Jesus?
  • Describe the difference in audiences from Jerusalem to Bethany.

The Year of Opposition ends

Once Jesus crosses the Jordan River again, He moves into His last months prior to His death and resurrection. John 11 is a wonderful beginning to this period.

A Good Grip

John 10:28 tells us that no one can snatch us from God’s hand since we are His sheep. Describe the comfort this sentence gives you as a child of God.




O Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world. Have mercy on us. And grant us peace, that eternal comfort that comes from the Good Shepherd who has called us by name. We hear the Shepherd’s voice and we know Him and follow. Help us Lord to listen to Your calling each and every day so that we may walk in the true light to the end. Amen.

Tracing our Steps.  Let’s use this time to trace our walk with Jesus.  Think about this time in His life and remembering what He did for you and me.  Use this space to jot down your feelings about your walk today